Tuesday, 16 September 2008

1st Federation Blog

Last weekend at the 2008 Federation Conference in Newcastle I was honoured to be inaugurated as President of The Robert Burns World Federation. In my acceptance speech there, I spoke immediately of the burden of this great office using the term "burden" because the first impact of the inauguration was the substantial weight of the President's chain of office imposed on my shoulders. and that is allegorical with the extent of the duties that I will undertake as President for the forthcoming year. Now that I have had a little time to look over the chain, at the names of the many Past-Presidents engraved on the medals forming the chain, some of these names of great men legendary in Burns appreciation, it is quite daunting to feel the depth of history and tradition that I now become part of. I undertake to bear this chain, this great office, in the name of The Robert Burns World Federation, with all the dignity it demands, with the enthusiasm that all the Members give me, and with every ounce of energy that I can muster. When I was first nominated for the post of Junior Vice-President I received many messages of support from a' the airts, that was all quite unexpected, but very gratifying that over my many years in this organisation I have built up such a gathering of friends and colleagues, all of us in pursuit of a greater understanding of Robert Burns Works, his life and philosophy. Again on graduation to this office I have had so many messages of good wishes and congratulations, it is all most appreciated and I assure all those I will return this support tenfold if it is within my power.I look forward to 2009, 250 years on from Burns birth, and to the many wonderful special events that are planned to mark this great anniversary. Not just the major spectacular January weekend events, but I look forward to catch many of the club events planned throughout 2009, within and outwith Scotland. I know many clubs and associations have plans in hand, I have several in my diary, but I will make a date for as many more as I can, simply to join with you in your club as you mark this milestone. Clubs that have not made any plans yet, - think, set a night aside in your programme, and build a theme around a particular connection to Burns, if there is anything I can do to help, please ask, I am at your beck and call.I look forward to every aspect of my year as President; I look forward to my duties in the boardroom as Chairman of a panel of enthusiastic Directors striving to secure the business of this movement for the next year and for the future, beyond 2009 to many other great anniversaries. I very much look forward to the Executive meetings, taking an overview of all the fantastic work of the committees, and I also want to meet with you all back in the Clubs and Associations, developing further friendships for the Federation. That is my manifesto for my time as custodian of this great chain, the emblem of this great purpose we share, for it is shared, I carry this Chain by the grace of all the Federation Membership, and for that I am deeply honoured.

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